Website Building » Shopify » What Is a Collection in Shopify?

What Is a Collection in Shopify?

Last updated on January 14, 2023 @ 10:07 am

A collection is a group of products in Shopify that are organized together. Collections can be used to organize products by type, price, or any other criteria. You can also use collections to create sale events or to highlight certain products on your store.

To create a collection, go to Admin > Products > Collections. Then, click the “Add collection” button.

In the “Create collection” page, you’ll need to specify the following:

  • Collection name and description: Give your collection a name and optionally add a description. This helps you and your customers know what the collection is about.

  • Conditions: Specify the conditions that will automatically add products to the collection. For example, you can add all products with the tag “summer” to a collection called “Summer Collection”.

  • Sort order: Choose how you want the products in the collection to be sorted.

  • Image: Upload an image for the collection. This image will be used in various places on your store, such as on the collections page and in promotional materials.

Once you’ve created a collection, you can start adding products to it manually or automatically using conditions.

PRO TIP: A collection in Shopify is a group of products that are organized together. You can create collections to organize your products, or to showcase certain products on your store.

However, you should be aware that creating too many collections can actually hurt your store’s performance. This is because each collection requires its own page to be loaded, which can add up and slow down your store.

So, when creating collections, make sure to keep them relevant and concise, and don’t create too many of them.

To add products manually:

  1. Go to Admin > Products > Collections. Then, click on the name of the collection that you want to add products to.

  2. In the “Collection details” page, click on the “Add products” button.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.