Website Building » Wix » What Is a Database Collection in Wix?

What Is a Database Collection in Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:33 am

A database collection is a feature in Wix that allows you to store and manage data in one place. It is perfect for storing information that you need to access quickly and easily, such as customer information, product data, or blog posts.

You can add and edit data manually or import it from a CSV file.


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PRO TIP: A database collection in Wix is a way to store data on your site. This data can be used to create forms, manage users, and much more. While this feature is incredibly powerful, it’s important to remember that it is also very sensitive. Be sure to keep your database collection secure and backed up regularly.

Database collections are very flexible and can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, you could use a database collection to store customer information for a small business, product data for an online store, or blog posts for a website.

Database collections are a great way to keep your data organized and accessible. If you need to store and manage data in one place, then a database collection is the perfect solution.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.