Website Building » Shopify » What Is a Good Shopify Store Speed?

What Is a Good Shopify Store Speed?

Last updated on January 13, 2023 @ 4:24 am

The average person expects a website to load in two seconds or less. And, they start to have doubts about your site if it takes more than three seconds to load. If your Shopify store is loading slowly, then you’re losing customers. A one-second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions. Plus, 79% of shoppers who experience site performance issues say they won’t return to the site to buy again.

There are a number of factors that can affect your Shopify store speed. The size and number of images on a page, for example, can make a big difference. So can the quality of your hosting service and whether or not you have a content delivery network (CDN) in place.

You can test your Shopify store speed using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool. Just enter your URL and click “Analyze.” The tool will give you a report that includes suggestions for how to improve your page speed.

PRO TIP: A good shopify store speed is something that you should be aware of when you are shopping online. There are a lot of things that can affect your shopify store speed, and you need to be aware of them so that you can make sure that your store is running smoothly.

Here are some general tips for improving your Shopify store speed:

  • Choose a good hosting service. Make sure you’re using a reliable hosting service with fast servers. Shopify’s Basic and Shopify plans include unlimited bandwidth and fast, reliable hosting services.
  • Compress images. Use an image compression tool like Imageoptim or Kraken to reduce the file size of your images without reducing their quality. This will help your pages load faster.
  • Use a CDN. A content delivery network (CDN) helps deliver your content to visitors from servers that are closest to their location. This can speed up page loading times, especially for visitors who are far from your server.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.