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What Is a Level One Seller on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:54 pm

As a Fiverr seller, you may be wondering what level one status on the site entails. In order to achieve this level, you must first complete at least 10 orders with a 90% positive rating. Once you have reached this point, you will be able to access additional features on the site, such as custom order requests and the ability to offer discounts to buyers.

In addition to these benefits, level one sellers also have their profiles featured more prominently on the site, which can lead to increased exposure and more sales. So if you’re looking to take your Fiverr business to the next level, achieving level one status is a great place to start.

PRO TIP: When becoming a level one seller on Fiverr, it is important to remember that this does not mean that you are a top seller on the site. Level one simply means that you have completed more than 10 orders and have a rating of 4.8 stars or higher. There are many level one sellers on the site, so it is important to stand out from the crowd in order to be successful.

What Is a Level One Seller on Fiverr?

A level one seller on Fiverr is a user who has completed at least 10 orders with a positive rating of 90%. Once a seller reaches this point, they unlock additional features on the site, such as custom order requests and discounts for buyers.

Level one sellers also have their profiles featured more prominently than other users, which can lead to increased exposure and sales. Achieving level one status is a great way to take your Fiverr business to the next level.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.