Website Building » Wix » What Is a Lightbox on Wix?

What Is a Lightbox on Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:53 am

A lightbox is a feature on Wix that allows you to display images and videos in a pop-up window. It is a great way to showcase your work and get your message across in a more engaging way. You can use lightboxes to display images, videos, or even forms.

Lightboxes are easy to set up and use. To create a lightbox, simply click on the Add button in the left-hand sidebar and select Lightbox from the list of options. Once you have added a lightbox to your page, you can add content to it by clicking on the Add button in the lightbox editor.


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There are a few things to keep in mind when using lightboxes:

PRO TIP: What Is a Lightbox on Wix?

A lightbox is a feature on Wix that allows you to display a image or video in a popup window. It is important to note that lightboxes can be used to display offensive or inappropriate content. If you see a lightbox on Wix, please report it to the website administrators.

– Make sure your image or video is large enough to fill the entire lightbox. Otherwise, it will look cropped and unprofessional. – Use high-quality images or videos.

Again, this will ensure that your lightbox looks its best. – Use descriptive text to accompany your images or videos. This will help visitors understand what they are seeing and why it is important.

Lightboxes are a great way to spruce up your website and make it more engaging for visitors. Just remember to use high-quality content and be mindful of the size of your images and videos. With a little bit of creativity, you can use lightboxes to great effect!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.