Website Building » Wix » What Is a Member Page in Wix?

What Is a Member Page in Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:37 am

A member page in Wix is a page where only members of your website can access the content. This content can be anything from an exclusive forum to private videos and photos. To create a member page, you first need to create a membership system. This can be done using the Wix Members App.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “What is a Member Page in Wix?” article on the Wix website is no longer accurate. The information in this article may lead you to believe that you can create a member page on your Wix site without any coding, when in fact you cannot. There is no longer any way to create a member page on Wix without having at least some basic knowledge of HTML and CSS. If you are not comfortable coding, we recommend that you hire a Wix Expert to help you create your member page.

Once you have created your membership system, you can then create member pages and add content to them. To do this, simply go to the Pages section of your Wix editor and click on the +New Page button. From here, you will be able to choose what type of page you want to create. Select the Member Page option and then choose what content you want to add to your page. You can also add other features to your member pages, such as a chat system or a payment gateway.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.