Website Building » Wix » What Is a Product Page on Wix?

What Is a Product Page on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 12:11 am

A product page on Wix is a page where you can showcase and sell your products. You can add pictures, descriptions, prices, and contact information.

You can also add a shopping cart so that customers can purchase your products directly from your website.


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To create a product page on Wix, you will first need to create a new page. Then, you will need to add the Wix Stores app to your website.

This app will allow you to add products, prices, and descriptions. Once you have added the app, you can start adding products to your page.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “What is a Product Page on Wix?” page on the Wix website is outdated and no longer accurate. The information on this page may not be accurate, complete, or current.

When creating a product page on Wix, it is important to include high-quality images of your products. Customers want to see what they are buying, so make sure to include clear and concise descriptions. You should also include pricing information and contact information so that customers can easily purchase your products.

What Is a Product Page on Wix?

A product page on Wix is a page created using the Wix Stores app where you can showcase and sell your products. It’s important to include high-quality images and clear descriptions of each product along with pricing information and contact details so customers can easily purchase items from your website.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.