Website Building » Shopify » What Is a Product Tag on Shopify?

What Is a Product Tag on Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:14 am

Product tags on Shopify are a helpful way to organize your products and help customers find what they’re looking for. You can add tags to products from the Products page of your Shopify admin.

Each product can have up to 250 tags, and you can add as many tags as you want to each product. Tags are separated by commas.

There are two types of product tags on Shopify: manual and automatic.

Manual tags are created by you, the merchant. You might want to use manual tags to group products by season, type, or collection. For example, you could tag all of your summer dresses with “Summer” and “Dresses”.

Then, when a customer searches for “Summer”, all of your summer dresses would appear in the search results.

Automatic tags, on the other hand, are created based on the product’s title and description. Automatic tags can’t be edited or removed, but they can be disabled from the Search page of your Shopify admin.

Product tags on Shopify are a helpful way to organize your products and help customers find what they’re looking for. You can add tags to products from the Products page of your Shopify admin. Each product can have up to 250 tags, and you can add as many tags as you want to each product. There are two types of product tags on Shopify: manual and automatic. Manual tags are created by you, the merchant.

You might want to use manual tags to group products by season, type, or collection. Then, when a customer searches for “Summer”, all of your summer dresses would appear in the search results. Automatic tags, on the other hand, are created based on the product’s title and description. Automatic tags can’t be edited or removed, but they can be disabled from the Search page of your Shopify admin.

PRO TIP: Product tags on Shopify are a great way to keep track of your inventory and products, but they can also be a potential security risk. If you are not careful, product tags can be used to access sensitive information about your business, such as customer credit card information. Be sure to keep your product tags secure and limit access to them to only trusted employees.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.