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What Is a Search Tag in Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:54 pm

A search tag is a keyword or phrase that helps describe the gig you’re offering on Fiverr. Search tags make it easier for people to find your gig when they search for specific keywords on the site. You can add up to 5 search tags to each gig, and we recommend that you use all of them to help potential buyers find your gigs more easily.

When choosing search tags, think about the keywords that potential buyers might use to find a gig like yours. Try to be as specific as possible, and use terms that are relevant to your gig. For example, if you’re offering a social media marketing service, some relevant search tags could be: “social media marketing”, “Twitter marketing”, “Facebook marketing”, etc.

Including relevant search tags will help you get more views and clicks on your gigs, which could lead to more sales. So take some time to choose the right tags for your gigs, and don’t forget to update them if you change or add new services.

A search tag is a keyword or phrase that helps describe the gig you’re offering on Fiverr. You can add up to 5 search tags to each gig, and we recommend that you use all of them to help potential buyers find your gigs more easily.

When choosing search tags, think about the keywords that potential buyers might use to find a gig like yours. For example, if you’re offering a social media marketing service, some relevant search tags could be: “social media marketing”, “Twitter marketing”, “Facebook marketing”, etc. So take some time to choose the right tags for your gigs, and don’t forget to update them if you change or add new services.

What Is a Search Tag in Fiverr?

A search tag is a keyword or phrase used on Fiverr to describe the gig being offered. Search tags make it easier for people searching the site for specific keywords to find your gig. Each gig can have up to 5search tags addedto help potential buyers find it more easily.

When choosing WhatSearch Tags To Use try thinking about the keywords potential buyers might use when looking for a gig like yours. Its important touse terms that are both specific and relevantto your gig . For example , if you offer social media marketing services , then some relevantsearchtags could be : ” social media marketing “, ” Twitter marketing “, ” Facebook marketing “, etc .

Including relevant search tags will help increase views and clicks on your gigs which could lead tobetter sales . So take some time when choosing which Tags To Use , and don’t forgetto update themif you change or add any new services .

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the term “search tag” in Fiverr can refer to two different things – tags that you use to search for gigs, and tags that sellers use to categorize their gigs.

When searching for gigs, you can use tags to filter your results and find gigs that match your specific needs. For example, if you want a gig that involves social media marketing, you can search for the tag #socialmediamarketing.

When looking at gigs, you may also see tags that sellers have used to categorize their gig. These tags can give you an idea of what the gig is about and what skills the seller has. However, it’s important to not rely solely on these tags – be sure to read the gig description and reviews before ordering.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.