Website Building » Shopify » What Is a Shopify Variant?

What Is a Shopify Variant?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:11 pm

A Shopify variant is a type of product that comes in different sizes, colors, or styles. For example, a t-shirt might come in small, medium, and large; or a dress might come in red, blue, and green.

Variants are important because they let you offer a wider range of products to your customers without having to create separate listings for each individual product. Instead, you can create one listing for the “parent” product (the t-shirt or dress) and then add variants for each size, color, or style.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on using Shopify to create an online store, it is important to be aware of the potential risks involved in using variants. A variant is a product that is available in more than one version, such as different sizes, colors, or styles. While variants can be a great way to offer customers more choices, they can also create problems if not managed properly.

For example, if you have a variant for a shirt that comes in two different sizes (S and M), you will need to specify which size is which when adding the product to your store. Otherwise, customers may order the wrong size and be unhappy with their purchase. Additionally, if you offer products with too many variants (such as 10 different colors), it can be difficult to keep track of inventory levels for each one. This could lead to overselling and angry customers.

In short, while variants can be a great way to expand your product offering, be sure to carefully consider all the potential risks before adding them to your Shopify store.

When a customer clicks on a variant, they’ll be able to see the available options and select the one they want. For example, if they click on the “red” variant of a dress, they’ll be able to see that it’s available in sizes S-XL.

What Is a Shopify Variant?
A Shopify variant is a type of product that comes in different sizes, colors, or styles. Variants are important because they let you offer a wider range of products to your customers without having to create separate listings for each individual product.

How do Shopify Variants Work?
When you add variants to a product listing in Shopify, you’re creating one listing for the “parent” product (say, a t-shirt) and then adding variants for each size, color, or style (small, medium, large; red, blue, green; etc.). This means that when customers click on a variant of the product listing, they’ll be able to see the available options and select the one they want.

In conclusion:Shopify variants are a great way to offer more products to your customers without having to create separate listings for each one. They’re easy to set up and manage, and customers will appreciate being able to see all their options in one place.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.