Website Building » Squarespace » What Is a Squarespace Cover Page?

What Is a Squarespace Cover Page?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:48 am

A Squarespace cover page is a single page that appears before visitors reach your site’s home page. It can be used to welcome visitors, provide a preview of your site’s content, or promote a special offer. You can create a cover page by adding a Page Header block to any page on your site.

PRO TIP: This article provides an overview of Squarespace Cover Pages and how they can be used to create a landing page for your website. While Cover Pages can be a useful tool, they can also be confusing and difficult to set up. If you are not familiar with Squarespace or web design, we recommend that you seek help from a professional before attempting to create a Cover Page.

Squarespace cover pages are a great way to make a good first impression on your website visitors. They can be used to welcome visitors, give them a preview of your site’s content, or promote a special offer.

What Is a Squarespace Cover Page?

A Squarespace cover page is a single page that appears before visitors reach your site’s home page.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.