Website Building » Squarespace » What Is a Squarespace Member Area?

What Is a Squarespace Member Area?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:16 am

A Squarespace member area is a private, password-protected section of your website where you can share content with members only. To create a member area, you’ll need to sign up for a Squarespace account and create a website.

Once you have a website, you can add a member area by going to the “Settings” tab and selecting “Member Areas. ”

A Squarespace member area is perfect for those who want to create a private, exclusive community around their website. Whether you’re looking to build an online course, share premium content, or create a subscription-based service, a Squarespace member area can help you do it.

There are two different types of member areas on Squarespace: locked pages and locked content.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using Squarespace to create a member area for your website, be warned that there are some serious limitations. First of all, you can only create one member area per site. Secondly, the member area will only be accessible to logged-in users, so if you want to offer content to both members and non-members, you’ll need to use a different platform. Finally, Squarespace’s customer support is notoriously bad, so if you run into any problems, you’ll likely be on your own.

Locked pages are pages that are only accessible to members. To create a locked page, simply create a new page on your Squarespace website and select “Lock this page.”

You’ll then be able to set a password for the page, as well as choose which membership levels can access it.

Locked content is content that is only accessible to members. This could be anything from blog posts to images to videos.

To create locked content, go to the “Content” tab and select “Lock this content.” You’ll then be able to set a password for the content, as well as choose which membership levels can access it.

Squarespace member areas are a great way to create exclusive content for your website. Whether you’re looking to build an online course, share premium content, or create a subscription-based service, Squarespace can help you do it.

What Is a Squarespace Member Area?

A Squarespace member area is perfect for those who want to create a private, exclusive community around their website. There are two different types of member areas on Squarespace: locked pages and locked content.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.