Hosting » HostGator » What is a subdomain in HostGator?

What is a subdomain in HostGator?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 7:32 pm

HostGator is a web hosting company that offers a variety of web hosting plans and features. One of the features that HostGator offers is subdomain hosting.

A subdomain is a unique domain name that is separate from the main domain name of the web site. When setting up a subdomain, HostGator allows you to choose a custom domain name and set up a web site with that name.

Subdomain hosting is a great way to keep your web site separate from the main domain name. It also allows you to host multiple web sites under one domain name. You can also use subdomain hosting to create a website for your business.

PRO TIP: A subdomain is a second-level domain within a main domain. For example, if your main domain was, a subdomain could be You can use subdomains to create unique content for different sections of your website.

With subdomain hosting, you can create a separate website for each product or service that you offer. This allows you to separate your web site from the other web sites that you own and control.

Subdomain hosting is a great way to create a website for your business. It allows you to control the look and feel of your website, and it separates your web site from the other web sites that you own.

HostGator offers a variety of subdomain hosting plans that are perfect for your needs. If you are interested in subdomain hosting, HostGator is the perfect web hosting company for you.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.