Web Development » Fiverr » What Is a Tag List on Fiverr?

What Is a Tag List on Fiverr?

Last updated on March 21, 2023 @ 10:25 am

A Tag List on Fiverr is a list of tags that you can add to your Gig description in order to help buyers find your Gig when they search for relevant keywords. Tags are single words or short phrases that describe the main topics of your Gig.

Fiverr’s search algorithm uses these tags to match buyers’ search queries with sellers’ Gigs. The more relevant tags you use, the easier it is for buyers to find your Gig.

To edit a tag list in your Gig, simply go to your Fiverr profile and in the Drafts tab, select the Gig that you want to edit.


In the next page, click on the “Edit Gig” button at the upper-right corner.

Now, scroll down to the Search Tags section and you will see that you can only add up to 5 tags to each Gig.

NOTE: In using tags, Fiverr allows the use of letters and numbers only.

To add a tag, simply type in the keyword on the field and select one of the suggested options. If you want to remove a tag, click on the “X” icon beside the tag.

Once done, select the “Save and Continue” button to continue processing your Gig.


PRO TIP: This article provides information about what a tag list is on Fiverr, and how it can be used to improve your search results. It is also important to note that tag lists are visible to buyers, so you should make use of them wisely to try and attract buyers to your gig. However, using too many additional unrelated tags can result in your gig being removed from search results altogether, so use them sparingly.

In conclusion, a Tag List on Fiverr is a list of up to 5tags that are used by Fiverr’s search algorithm to match a buyer’s keyword queries with seller’s Gigs, so make sure to use them wisely to make your Gigs more searchable. The more relevant the tags, the easier it is for buyers to find the Gig.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.