Website Building » Shopify » What Is Additional Scripts on Shopify?

What Is Additional Scripts on Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:14 am

Additional Scripts is an optional feature on Shopify that allows you to add custom code to your shop’s checkout page. This can be useful if you need to add extra functionality to your checkout page, such as a custom payment gateway or shipping calculator.

To use Additional Scripts, you first need to enable it in your shop’s settings. To do this, go to the Checkout settings page in your Shopify admin and scroll down to the Order Processing section. Here, you’ll see an option to enable Additional Scripts.

Once you’ve enabled Additional Scripts, you can add your custom code by going to the Checkout settings page and scrolling down to the Additional Scripts section. Here, you’ll see a text area where you can enter your code.

PRO TIP: Additional Scripts is a feature on Shopify that allows you to add custom JavaScript to your shop. This can be used to add extra functionality to your shop, or to customize the look and feel of your shop.

While Additional Scripts can be a great way to add extra features to your shop, it is important to be aware that it can also introduce security risks. Any custom JavaScript that you add to your shop will be executed by the browser of any visitor to your shop. This means that if you add any malicious code, it could be used to steal information from visitors, or even hijack their browser.

If you are going to use Additional Scripts, it is important to only add code that you trust. If you are unsure about whether a piece of code is safe, you should consult with a security expert before adding it to your shop.

Before adding any code, it’s important to test it thoroughly. This is because any errors in your code could prevent orders from being placed successfully. Once you’re happy with your code, click Save and your changes will be applied.

Additional Scripts is a powerful feature that can be used to customize the checkout experience on Shopify. If you’re not comfortable coding, then we recommend enlisting the help of a Shopify Expert.

What Is Additional Scripts on Shopify

Additional Scripts is a powerful feature that can be used to customize the checkout experience on Shopify.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.