Website Building » Squarespace » What Is an Index on Squarespace?

What Is an Index on Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:58 am

An index on Squarespace is a page that helps visitors navigate your site. It typically contains a list of links to your most important pages, and may also include a search box. You can create an index page in any layout, but we recommend using the Index Page Layout.

The Index Page Layout includes a header, footer, and sidebar. The header and footer are optional, but the sidebar is required.

The sidebar contains a list of links to your pages. You can also add a search box to the sidebar.

To create an index page:

1. In the Pages panel, click + New Page. 2. In the Page Type dialog, choose Index Page from the left column. 3. Choose a layout for your index page from the right column. We recommend using the Index Page Layout. 4.

Click Create Page. 5. Add content to your index page, including links to your pages in the sidebar. 6. To add a search box to the sidebar, click Search in the sidebar and drag it into place below the links. 7. Save your changes and preview your site to see your index page in action.

An index on Squarespace is a page that helps visitors navigate your site by providing a list of links to important pages on the website, as well as potentially including a search box. You can create an index page using any layout, but we recommend using the Index Page Layout for best results.

To create an index page:
1) In the Pages panel, click + New Page
2) In the Page Type dialog, choose Index Page from the left column
3) Choose a layout for your index page from the right column – we recommend using the Index Page Layout
4) Click Create Page
5) Add content to your index page, including links to your pages in the sidebar
6) To add a search box to the sidebar, click Search in the sidebar and drag it into place below the links
7) Save your changes and preview your site to see your index page in action

PRO TIP: This article is about how to create an index on Squarespace. However, it does not explain what an index is or why you might want to create one. If you’re not sure what an index is, or why you might need one, please consult a Squarespace expert before proceeding.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.