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What is AWS Solutions Architect salary?

Last updated on December 16, 2022 @ 12:47 pm

AWS Solutions Architect Salary

The average salary for an AWS Solutions Architect is $139,000. The highest paid Solution Architects make an average of $187,000.

The survey found that the most in-demand skills for AWS Solutions Architects are:

1. Experience with Amazon Web Services
2. Experience with the AWS Cloud
3. Experience with the AWS Management Console
4. Experience with the AWS CLI
5. Experience with Amazon Redshift
6. Experience with Amazon DynamoDB
7. Experience with Amazon S3
8. Experience with Amazon Athena
9. Experience with Amazon VPC
10. Experience with Amazon EC2.

PRO TIP: The AWS Solutions Architect salary can vary depending on the company you work for, your experience, and other factors. Do your research before accepting a position to ensure you are being paid what you are worth.

The skills and experience that make an AWS Solutions Architect stand out are essential for working on high-impact projects. Many Solutions Architects are also expected to have a strong understanding of software development methodologies, such as agile and lean.

These skills and experience make an AWS Solutions Architect a valuable asset to any company. The survey found that the average salary for an AWS Solutions Architect is $139,000.

The highest paid Solution Architects make an average of $187,000. The skills and experience that make an AWS Solutions Architect valuable are in high demand, and the average salary reflects that.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.