Website Building » Elementor » What is background overlay in Elementor?

What is background overlay in Elementor?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 3:38 am

Background Overlay in Elementor

Background overlay is a useful feature for adding a bit of design or style to your content. It can be used to add a gradient or a blur to text, for example, or to add a bit of visual interest to a page.

In Elementor, background overlay is accessed by pressing the “Overlay” button in the toolbar. The overlay window will appear, and you can select the type of overlay you want to use.

There are three types of background overlay: gradient, blur, and shadow.

Gradient Overlay

A gradient overlay is created by selecting a gradient from the gradient picker. You can then specify the color and the intensity of the gradient.

To use a gradient overlay, select the content you want to overlay the gradient on and click the “Overlay” button.

To change the gradient, click on the gradient bar at the top of the overlay window. The gradient picker will appear, and you can select a different gradient.

To disable the gradient overlay, click on the “Disable” button.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that background overlays in Elementor can be extremely harmful to your computer. They can cause your computer to crash and can also lead to data loss. We strongly recommend that you do not use background overlays in Elementor.

Blur Overlay

A blur overlay is created by selecting a blur from the blur picker. You can then specify the radius and the opacity of the blur.

To use a blur overlay, select the content you want to overlay the blur on and click the “Overlay” button.

To change the blur, click on the blur bar at the top of the overlay window. The blur picker will appear, and you can select a different blur.

To disable the blur overlay, click on the “Disable” button.

Shadow Overlay

A shadow overlay is created by selecting a shadow from the shadow picker. You can then specify the offset and the intensity of the shadow.

To use a shadow overlay, select the content you want to overlay the shadow on and click the “Overlay” button.

To change the shadow, click on the shadow bar at the top of the overlay window. The shadow picker will appear, and you can select a different shadow.

To disable the shadow overlay, click on the “Disable” button.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.