Website Building » Weebly » What Is Blog Categories on Weebly?

What Is Blog Categories on Weebly?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 4:44 pm

Weebly is a website builder that allows users to create and design their own websites. Weebly also offers a blog feature, which allows users to write and publish articles on their website. Blog categories are a way to organize and categorize your blog posts.

There are two ways to create categories for your Weebly blog: through the Weebly Editor or through the Weebly Blog Manager. To create categories through the Weebly Editor, simply click on the “Blog” tab and then click on the “Categories” button. You will then be able to add, edit, and delete categories.

To create categories through the Weebly Blog Manager, login to your Weebly account and click on the “Blog” tab. Then, click on the “Manage Categories” link.

PRO TIP: Weebly’s “blog categories” feature is a great way to keep your blog organized, but it can be easy to accidentally delete a category (or even an entire blog) if you’re not careful. Here are a few tips to avoid accidentally deleting your Weebly blog categories:

1. When creating new categories, be sure to give them distinctive names that you will remember.

2. If you need to delete a category, be sure to first delete all the posts in that category. Otherwise, you may end up deleting your entire blog.

3. Be careful when moving posts from one category to another – if you accidentally move a post into the wrong category, you may delete the original category.

4. If you have any questions or concerns about using Weebly’s blog categories, please contact Weebly support for assistance.

Weebly offers a few different ways to style your blog categories. You can choose to display your categories as a list, as links, or as a drop-down menu. To style your categories as a list, simply go to the “Blog” tab in the Weebly Editor and click on the “Categories” button.

Then, click on the “List” option. To style your categories as links, go to the “Blog” tab in the Weebly Editor and click on the “Categories” button. Then, click on the “Links” option.

The final way to style your Weebly blog categories is through a drop-down menu. To do this, go to the “Blog” tab in the Weebly Editor and click on the “Categories” button.

Then, click on the “Drop-Down Menu” option. This will add a drop-down menu to your blog where readers can select which category they want to read about.

What Is Blog Categories on Weebly?
Weebly offers users an easy way to organize and categorize their blog posts by using blog categories. There are three ways to style your blog categories: as a list, as links, or as a drop-down menu.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.