Hosting » Google Cloud » What is bucket name in Google Cloud?

What is bucket name in Google Cloud?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 8:15 pm

Google Cloud Platform offers a variety of services that allow you to store data in the cloud. One of these services is Google Cloud Storage.

Cloud Storage allows you to store your data in buckets, and it offers a variety of features to make it convenient for you to use.

One of the features of Cloud Storage is the ability to name your buckets. This allows you to easily identify the bucket in which your data is stored.

PRO TIP: Bucket names in Google Cloud must be unique across all of Google Cloud Platform (GCP). That means that if you create a bucket with a name that’s already in use by someone else, you’ll get an error.

You can also use the Bucket Name field in the Google Cloud Platform Console to name your buckets.


Naming your buckets is a great way to make it easy for you to find your data in the Cloud Storage service. You can use the Bucket Name field in the Google Cloud Platform Console to name your buckets, or you can use the name of the bucket as the name of the file or folder in which your data is stored.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.