Web Design » Figma » What Is Detach Instance in Figma?

What Is Detach Instance in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:04 pm

Detach instance is a feature in Figma that allows you to break the link between a component and its instances. This is useful when you need to make changes to a component that should not affect other instances of that component.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to use the detach instance feature in Figma, be aware that there are some potential risks.

Detach instance allows you to detach a selected object from its master frame. This can be useful if you want to make changes to an object without affecting the other objects in the frame. However, if you are not careful, you could end up with two different versions of the same object.

There is also the potential for data loss when using this feature. If you make changes to an object and then detach it, the changes will not be saved unless you explicitly save them. Make sure you understand how this feature works before using it.

To detach an instance, simply select the instance you want to detach in the canvas and click the “Detach Instance” button in the Inspector panel. Once an instance is detached, it will no longer update when changes are made to the component. You can re-attach an instance by selecting it and clicking the “Attach Instance” button.

So what is detach instance in Figma? It’s a feature that allows you to break the link between a component and its instances. This can be really useful when you need to make changes to a component without affecting other instances of that component.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.