Hosting » AWS » What is difference between ALB and NLB in AWS?

What is difference between ALB and NLB in AWS?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 5:40 pm

When it comes to the cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has two main storage options: Amazon Linux 2 (ALB) and Amazon Linux 3 (NLB).

What’s the difference?

The main difference between ALB and NLB is that ALB is a low-cost version of AWS that’s optimized for small and medium businesses. NLB, on the other hand, is a more expensive option that’s optimized for large enterprises.

PRO TIP: There is a difference between ALB and NLB in AWS. ALB is a load balancer that routes traffic to multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, in a single Availability Zone. NLB is a load balancer that routes traffic to multiple targets, such as EC2 instances, across multiple Availability Zones.

In terms of features, NLB supports more types of storage and networking options, including Windows and UNIX-based servers. ALB, on the other hand, is limited to AWS Storage accounts and doesn’t support Windows or UNIX servers.

Another key difference is that NLB is designed for more highly available and scalable applications. ALB, on the other hand, is designed for lower-cost storage and is less reliable.

As you can see, ALB and NLB offer different features and benefits that may be better suited for different types of organizations. If you’re looking for a low-cost storage option for small businesses, ALB is a good option.

If you’re looking for a more reliable and scalable storage option for larger enterprises, NLB is a better option.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.