Website Building » Weebly » What is footer code in Weebly?

What is footer code in Weebly?

Last updated on December 26, 2022 @ 5:45 pm

A footer is a section of a website that appears at the bottom of every page. It is typically used to display information that is consistent across all pages of the website, such as contact information, social media links, and a site map. In Weebly, the footer code refers to the HTML and CSS code that controls the design and content of the footer section.

To add or edit the footer code in Weebly, you will need to access the website’s HTML editor. In the editor, you can find the footer code by searching for the <footer> tag. This tag typically contains a number of other HTML elements, such as <div> and <p>, which control the layout and content of the footer.

Using the HTML editor, you can add or edit the footer code in a number of ways. For example, you can use the <a> tag to add links to your social media profiles or to other pages on your website. You can also use the <img> tag to add images to the footer, such as a logo or a banner.

In addition to HTML, the footer code may also include CSS code, which controls the appearance of the footer. For example, you can use CSS to change the font size or color of the text in the footer, or to add a background image or color.

Overall, the footer code in Weebly is an important part of your website’s design and functionality. By understanding how to edit the footer code, you can customize the footer to match your brand and provide useful information to your website visitors.

PRO TIP: Footer code is the code that is inserted at the bottom of a Weebly page. This code can be used to track page views, add custom CSS, or insert other code that you want to run on every page of your site.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.