Website Building » Shopify » What Is Image Zoom in Shopify?

What Is Image Zoom in Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:57 pm

Image zoom is a feature in Shopify that allows you to enlarge images on your product pages. This can be useful for customers who want to see more detail in an image, or for those who are trying to find a specific product in an image. There are two ways to add image zoom to your product pages: using the built-in Shopify image zoom feature, or by adding a Shopify app.

The built-in Shopify image zoom feature is located in the “Theme Settings” section of your admin panel. To enable image zoom, simply check the “Enable image zoom on product pages” checkbox and save your changes. Once enabled, customers will be able to click on images to enlarge them.

PRO TIP: Image zoom is a feature in Shopify that allows you to enlarge images on your store. This can be useful for customers who want to see more detail in an image, but it can also be distracting and make it difficult to browse your store. If you enable image zoom, we recommend that you also provide a way for customers to turn it off.

If you want more control over how image zoom works on your product pages, or if you want to add other features such as 360-degree view or video playback, you can install a Shopify app from the App Store. There are many different apps available, so be sure to read reviews and compare features before choosing one.

Image zoom can be a useful tool for helping customers see more detail in your product images. It’s easy to set up and there are many different options available depending on your needs.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.