Website Building » Squarespace » What Is Index Page in Squarespace?

What Is Index Page in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:49 am

An index page is the starting point for a website. It is typically the first page that visitors to a site will see. The index page can be used to provide an overview of the website’s content, or it can be used to direct visitors to specific sections of the site.

The index page is typically named “index.html” or “index.htm”. When a web server receives a request for a page that does not exist, it will often return the index page as a default.

There are a few different ways that an index page can be designed. Some index pages simply list all of the website’s pages in alphabetical order or in categories.

Others may feature a search box, a blog roll, or links to recent articles. Some sites use the index page as a landing page, featuring a large image or video along with a call to action, such as “learn more” or “sign up now”.

While the index page is often the first page that visitors will see, it is not always the home page. The home page is typically set as the default page that visitors will see when they type in the domain name for a website, while the index page is typically only accessed when a visitor clicks on a link from another page on the site.

The term “index” can also refer to other types of lists or directories, such as an index of books or an index of articles.

PRO TIP: The Index Page in Squarespace is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily create a custom home page for your website. However, it is important to note that this tool can also be used to create a page that is not intended to be the home page of your website. If you accidentally create an Index Page that is not intended to be the home page of your website, it could cause serious problems for your website’s navigation and search engine optimization.

An index page is the starting point for most websites. It is typically the first page that visitors see when they arrive at a site. The main purpose of an index page is to provide an overview of the website’s content and/or direct visitors to specific sections of the site.

Index pages are usually named “index. If a web server receives a request for a URL that does not exist, it will often return an index page by default.

There are several different ways to design an index page. Some simply list all of the website’s pages in alphabetical order or in categories.

Others may feature a search box, blog roll, or links to recent articles. Some sites use their index pages as landing pages, with large images or videos along with calls to action such as “learn more” or “sign up now”.

While an index page is often the first thing that visitors see when they arrive at a website, it is not always set as the home page. The home page is typically what appears when somebody types in the domain name for a website; while an index page must be accessed by clicking on a link from anotherpage already onthe site .

The term “index” can also refer other types of lists or directories; such as an index of booksor an article directory .

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.