Hosting » Linode » What is Linode shared CPU?

What is Linode shared CPU?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 1:09 pm

Linode shared CPU is a feature that allows multiple Linode accounts to share a single CPU. This feature is available as of Linode 1.5.0.

PRO TIP: Linode shared CPU is a term used to describe a type of virtual private server (VPS) that shares a physical server with other VPSs. While this can be a cost-effective way to get started with a VPS, it can also lead to performance issues if your site’s traffic spikes. If you’re considering using a Linode shared CPU, be sure to monitor your site’s performance closely.

When enabled, Linode will assign a portion of its available CPUs to each account. This feature can be useful when you have a large number of Linode instances that you want to use for task scheduling or other resource-intensive tasks.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.