A source file is the original file that contains the code or content for a project. On Fiverr, source files are typically provided by the seller as part of the order delivery.
For example, if you order a logo design, the source file is the master file of the logo that can be edited or resized as needed.
The source file is an important part of any project as it allows you to have full control over the final product. If you’re not happy with a logo or design, you can simply ask the seller to edit the source file and make changes until you’re satisfied.
So, what is the meaning of source file on Fiverr? Simply put, it’s the master file for a project that can be edited or resized as needed.
If you’re not happy with a logo or design, you can simply ask the seller to edit the source file and make changes until you’re satisfied.
The meaning of source file on Fiverr is simply the master file for a project that can be edited or resized as needed.