Website Building » Wix » What Is Member List on Wix?

What Is Member List on Wix?

Last updated on January 6, 2023 @ 5:28 pm

A member list is a feature on Wix that allows you to add a list of people to your website. This is useful if you have a group of people who you want to be able to easily find and contact on your website. You can add a member list to any page on your website, and you can customize the members list to show only certain information about each member.

For example, you can choose to show the member’s name, photo, and contact information. You can also add a link to the member’s website or social media profile.


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To add a member list to your website:

  1. Log in to your Wix account and open the Editor.
  2. Click the + Add button on the left side of the Editor.
  3. Click the Lists & Grids option.
  4. Click Member List.
  5. Click Add to site.

To customize the member list:

  1. Click Customize List in the Editor.
    • Add or remove fields: To add or remove fields from the list, click the + Add Field or – Remove Field buttons. You can also click and drag the fields to rearrange them. The fields that are available are: Name, Title, Photo, Website, Email, Phone, and Social Links.

To add members to the list:

  1. Enter information about each member:: In the Name field, enter the name of the person you want to add to the list. Then enter their title, website, email address, phone number, and social media links.
    PRO TIP: This article is about the Member List feature on This feature allows members of a site to see a list of other members of the site. The list can be sorted by name, date joined, or activity level. The member list can also be searched by name or keywords.

    To add a photo of the person, click Choose Photo and upload a photo from your computer. When you’re finished adding information about each member, click Save Changes.

To edit or delete members from the list:

  1. Hover over a member:: In the Member List window, hover over a member’s name. Two icons will appear next to their name: an edit pencil icon and a delete X icon.
    • Edit member information:: To edit a member’s information, click the edit pencil icon.make your changes and click Save Changes.
    • Delete a member:: To delete a member from the list, click the delete X icon.

What Is Member List on Wix?

The Wix platform allows users to create lists of people for easy access and contact on their websites. This is done through what is called a “member list.”

Member lists are created by adding certain fields of information about each person onto Wix pages. These fields can include anything from name and title to social media links and photos. Once all desired fields have been added for each person, clicking “save changes” will finalize everything and make it viewable on whichever page of the website it was placed.

While some may find this feature unnecessary or complicated, it actually can be quite helpful for groups or businesses that want an organized way for people to find contact information for specific individuals on their site without having to search through pages upon pages of content.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.