Website Building » Shopify » What Is My Shopify Store URL?

What Is My Shopify Store URL?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:57 pm

Your Shopify store URL is the unique address that points to your Shopify store. It’s how customers find your store online, and it’s how you share your store with the world.

Your Shopify store URL takes the form of, and it’s generated when you sign up for a Shopify account. You can also find your Shopify store URL in your Shopify admin under Settings > General.

If you’re using a custom domain for your Shopify store, then your Shopify store URL will take the form of You can learn more about setting up a custom domain for your Shopify store here.

Once you know your Shopify store URL, you can start promoting your store online and driving traffic to it. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Add your Shopify store URL to your email signature: Every time you send an email, you’re promoting your business. Why not include a link to your Shopify store in your signature?

Include a link to your Shopify store on social media: If you’re active on social media, make sure to include a link to your shop in your profile information.

This way, whenever someone visits your profile, they’ll know where to find your shop.

Share links to specific products and collections on social media: In addition to promoting your shop as a whole on social media, you can also share links to specific products and collections. This is a great way to drive Targeted traffic to specific items on your website.

Your Shopify store URL is an important part of promoting and driving traffic to your shop. Make sure you include it in your email signature, social media profiles, and anywhere else you promote your business online.

PRO TIP: If you are unsure of your Shopify store URL, please contact Shopify support for assistance. Do not attempt to guess or change your URL, as this could result in lost data or a disruption to your store.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.