Your Squarespace URL is the unique address that you chose for your website when you first signed up for Squarespace. It appears in the format, and it’s how people find and visit your site.
If you have a custom domain, your Squarespace URL will redirect to your custom domain.
You can find your Squarespace URL a few different ways:
PRO TIP: If you are unsure of your Squarespace URL, we recommend contacting customer support for assistance. Providing your Squarespace URL to an unauthorized party may result in your website being compromised.
- In the Site Manager: Go to Settings > Domains > Domain Overview. Your URL displays in the Squarespace Domain column.
- On your site: In some templates, you can find your Squarespace URL in the footer of your site.
- In an email from Squarespace: Check for an email from with the subject line, “Your new website at is ready!”. This email contains your unique URL.
If you’re a G Suite or Education customer, you can also find your G Suite or Education URL in Settings > Domains > Domain Overview.