Website Building » Shopify » What Is Objects in Shopify?

What Is Objects in Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:46 am

In Shopify, an object is a resource that can be represented by a URL. All objects in Shopify have a unique ID that can be used to identify them.

Objects can be either public or private. Public objects are accessible to anyone, while private objects can only be accessed by authenticated Shopify apps.

The most common object in Shopify is the product. Products have a unique ID, and can be either public or private. Other common objects include collections, customers, and orders.

In addition to the standard objects, Shopify also offers a number of custom objects. Custom objects are created by apps, and can be used to represent anything that doesn’t fit into one of the standard object types. For example, an app might create a custom object to represent a loyalty program, or a subscription service.

Customers, orders, products, and collections are the most common objects in Shopify. However, there are many other objects available, including:

– Apps
– Assets
– Blogs
– Pages
– metafields
– Redirects
– ScriptTags
– Webhooks

What Is Objects in Shopify?

In Shopify, an object is a resource that can be represented by a URL. Objects can be either public or private.

PRO TIP: Objects in Shopify are virtual items that can be purchased in a shop. They are not real, physical items and cannot be shipped.

The most common object in Shopify is the product.

Other common objects include collections, customers, and orders.

In addition to the standard objects, Shopify also offers a number of custom objects.

Customers, orders, products, and collections are the most common objects in Shopify. However, there are many other objects available.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.