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What Is Overlay in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 7:55 pm

Overlays are one of the most commonly used tools in Figma. They allow you to easily position elements on top of other elements, and can be used for things like creating drop shadows or adding blur. There are three types of overlays in Figma:

1. Drop Shadow

Drop shadows are the most commonly used type of overlay in Figma. They allow you to easily create a shadow behind an element, which can make it appear to float above the page. Drop shadows can be customized to your liking, and you can even add multiple shadows to an element if you want to create a more complex effect.

2. Blur

Blur overlays are perfect for creating a subtle background effect. By adding a blur overlay to an element, you can make it appear as if it’s slightly out of focus. This is a great way to add depth to your designs and make them more interesting to look at.

PRO TIP: Overlays are a powerful tool in Figma, but they can be easily misused. When creating an overlay, be sure to consider the following:

-What is the purpose of the overlay?
-Is the content of the overlay relevant to all users?
-Will the overlay be disruptive or intrusive?

If you’re not sure about any of these points, it’s best to consult with someone else before creating your overlay.

3. Background Color

Background color overlays allow you to change the color of an element’s background. This can be useful for things like creating buttons with different colored backgrounds, or for highlighting certain sections of your design.

What Is Overlay in Figma?

Overlays are one of the most commonly used tools in Figma. There are three types of overlays in Figma: drop shadow, blur, and background color.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.