Website Building » Joomla » What is position in Joomla?

What is position in Joomla?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 8:08 am

When you create a new Joomla site, by default you are in the “Editor” position. This means that you have full control over the site’s content and can make any changes you want.

You can also use the “View” position to view the site’s contents but not make any changes. .

If you want to become more involved with the site’s management, you can choose to become a “Administrator” or “Moderator.” These positions give you more limited control over the site’s content, but they also give you the ability to manage other site users and forums.

PRO TIP: This article may contain outdated information about the Joomla! content management system.

Position is a term used in Joomla! to refer to the location of an article or module on a page. Positions are defined in the template used for the site.

When you are an Administrator or Moderator, you are assigned a “role” which gives you more authority over particular aspects of the site. For example, an Administrator can create, edit and delete topics, while a Moderator can delete, edit and move posts.

In addition to these positions, you can also become a “Contributor.” This position gives you limited control over the site’s content but it also gives you the ability to submit new content, vote on posts and respond to user comments.

So, in short, the position you are in when you create a new Joomla site is “Editor.” If you want more control over the site’s content, you can choose to become an “Administrator” or “Moderator.

” If you want to contribute to the site, you can become a “Contributor.”.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.