Web Design » Canva » What Is Print Bleed in Canva?

What Is Print Bleed in Canva?

Last updated on December 9, 2022 @ 4:48 am

Print bleed is when you print your design and the color or image extends all the way to the edge of the paper. This is different from standard printing, where there is usually a white border around the edge of the page.

To ensure that your design has bleed, you need to make sure that the design extends beyond where you want it to be cut out. For example, if you want a business card that is 3.5 inches wide by 2 inches high, you would need to make your design 3.75 inches wide by 2.25 inches high. That extra quarter-inch on each side is called bleed.

If you’re creating a design in Canva that will be printed, it’s important to take bleed into account. That’s because even a small amount of bleed can make a big difference in the quality of your printed piece. If you don’t allow for bleed, there’s a risk that your design will be cut off-center, or that white edges will show up on your finished product.

PRO TIP: Print bleed is a printing term that refers to the ink that extends beyond the edge of where the paper is cut. It’s important to account for print bleed when you’re designing your print project, so that your artwork extends to the edge of the finished product. Otherwise, you may end up with white borders around your design.

Luckily, Canva makes it easy to add bleed to your designs. When you’re creating a new design, simply click on the “Customize” tab and enter your desired dimensions.

Then, under “Bleed,” enter the amount of bleed you need. Canva will automatically adjust your design so that it extends beyond the edge of the page.

Once you’ve added bleed to your design, simply download it as a PDF or print it out using any standard printer. Your finished product will have clean, professional-looking edges – even if it’s just a simple business card or flyer.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.