Website Building » Shopify » What Is Product Variant in Shopify?

What Is Product Variant in Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 1:06 pm

A product variant is a product option that can be selected by customers when they add a product to their cart. For example, if you sell T-shirts, a product variant could be a size or color option. Product variants are managed in the Variants section of a product’s Edit page.

There are two types of product variants:

Single-option variants: A variant with one option, such as size or color.

Multi-option variants: A variant with two or more options, such as size and color.

You can add, remove, or reorder options for a variant in the Variants section of the Edit page. To learn more about managing product variants, see Adding and managing product variants.

Product variants are a way of giving customers more options when they add a product to their cart. You can manage product variants in the ‘Variants’ section of a product’s Edit page.

There are two types of product variants: Single-option variants and Multi-option variants. You can add, remove, or reorder options for a variant in the ‘Variants’ section of the Edit page. To learn more about managing product variants, see ‘Adding and managing product variants’.

PRO TIP: Product variants are a product type in Shopify that let you offer a product in multiple versions. For example, if you sell t-shirts, you can offer a variant for each size and color combination that you have in stock.

Product variants are a great way to offer more choices to your customers, but they can also be confusing if not used correctly. Make sure that you clearly label each variant with all the relevant information (size, color, etc.) so that your customers can easily find the product they’re looking for.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.