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What Is Search Tag in Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:02 pm

Search Tag is an important aspect of Fiverr. It helps you to find the right gigs for your project and also make your gig more discoverable to buyers.

Search Tag is an important aspect of Fiverr.

What is a Search Tag?

Search tags are simply keywords that help describe your gig and make it easier for buyers to find it when searching on Fiverr. Adding the right tags to your gig can help you get found more easily by buyers who are searching for services like yours.

How to Use Search Tags

When creating or editing a gig, you’ll be able to add up to 5 search tags of your choice.

Be sure to choose tags that accurately describe your gig and services. You can also use popular keywords that buyers are searching for.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “Search Tag” feature on Fiverr can be misused and may result in your account being suspended.

When creating a gig, you are asked to add Search Tags, which are keywords that help buyers find your gig. It is important that you do not add any keywords that are not relevant to your gig, as this could result in your account being suspended.

If you have any questions about which keywords to use, please contact Customer Support.

Why Use Search Tags?

Adding search tags to your gig can help increase its visibility on Fiverr and also help you attract buyers who are specifically searching for services like yours. When choosing search tags, be sure to use popular keywords that accurately describe your gig and services.

Adding the right tags to your gigs on Fiverr can help increase its visibility and also help you attract buyers who are specifically searching for services like yours.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.