Website Building » Squarespace » What Is Site Margin Squarespace?

What Is Site Margin Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:50 am

Site margins are the areas on your site where your content doesn’t touch the sides of the browser. margins are a good way to add whitespace around your content and can improve the overall look of your site.

There are two types of margins you can control on your Squarespace site: page margins and block margins. Page margins are applied to the edges of your pages, while block margins are applied to individual blocks of content.

You can adjust page margins in the Site Styles panel. To adjust block margins, select a block and open the Block Settings panel.

What Are Page Margins?

Page margins are the areas on your site where your content doesn’t touch the sides of the browser. These areas are a good way to add whitespace around your content and can improve the overall look of your site. To do this, open the Site Styles panel and scroll to the Page Margins section.

From here, you can use the sliders to adjust the top, bottom, left, and right margin values. You can also enter specific values in the fields next to the sliders.

What Are Block Margins?

Block margins are applied to individual blocks of content.

In the Block Settings panel, you’ll find options for controlling the top, bottom, left, and right margin values for that particular block.

Block margin settings override any page margin settings that have been applied to a page. This means that if you have a page with top and bottom page margins of 20px each, but a block on that page has a top margin of 30px and a bottom margin of 40px, then the 30px top margin and 40px bottom margin will be applied to that block (and will override the page margin settings).


Squarespace offers two types of margins that can be adjusted- page margins and block margins. Page margins apply to entire pages while block margins only apply to selected blocks of content within those pages.

Users can access these options in either Site Styles or Block Settings panels respectively. adjusting these values can create more whitespace on a website and improve its overall aesthetic appeal.

PRO TIP: This note is to warn you about the potential dangers of using the Site Margin Squarespace feature on your website. This feature allows you to add margins to your website, which can make it look nicer and more organized. However, if you use too much margin, it can make your site look cluttered and messy. Additionally, if you use too little margin, your site may look unfinished. Use this feature sparingly and carefully to avoid these problems.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.