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What Is Stacking Order in Photoshop?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 3:54 pm

When you have multiple layers in Photoshop, the order in which those layers are arranged is important. The term “stacking order” refers to the order of the layers from bottom to top.

The bottom layer is the first layer in the stack, and the top layer is the last layer in the stack.

The stacking order of layers determines how they are drawn on the canvas. When two or more layers overlap, the layer on top covers the layers below it. Layers lower in the stack can be seen through transparent areas of layers above them.

PRO TIP: Stacking order is the order in which layers are arranged in a Photoshop document. The layer at the bottom of the stack is the first layer, and the layer at the top of the stack is the last layer.

You can change the stacking order of layers at any time by dragging them up or down in the Layers panel. The currently selected layer (the one with the highlighted border) is always brought to the top of the stack when you drag it.

Conclusion: What Is Stacking Order in Photoshop?

Stacking order refers to the order of layers from bottom to top in Photoshop. The bottom layer is first in the stack, and the top layer is last.

The stacking order determines how layers are drawn on the canvas. When two or more layers overlap, the layer on top covers lower layers.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.