Web Development » UpWork » What Is Testimonial in UpWork?

What Is Testimonial in UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:01 pm

A testimonial is a written or recorded statement endorsing someone or something. In the world of online freelancing, a testimonial is a review or feedback from a past client that attests to the quality of your work.

Testimonials are an important part of your UpWork profile because they provide social proof that you’re good at what you do.

When potential clients browse through UpWork profiles, they’re looking for evidence that the freelancer they’re considering is someone they can trust. Your job history and client reviews are a great start, but testimonials add an extra layer of confidence by providing first-hand accounts of your work from past clients.

If you’re just starting out on UpWork, you may not have any testimonials yet. That’s perfectly normal – most freelancers don’t have testimonials when they first join the site.

But as you build up your body of work, be sure to ask your clients for feedback that you can use as a testimonial.

Testimonials are particularly useful for freelancers who offer services that require a lot of trust, such as coaching, consulting, or therapy. In these cases, potential clients want to know that you have experience helping people like them achieve their goals.

A well-written testimonial can go a long way towards building that trust.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the “What is Testimonial in Upwork?” article may be out of date. It was last updated on March 8, 2018.

So what exactly is a testimonial?

A testimonial is simply feedback from a past client about the quality of your work. It’s an endorsement of your skills and abilities, and it can be very helpful in convincing potential clients to hire you.

How do I get testimonials?

The best way to get testimonials is simply to ask your past clients for feedback about your work. If you don’t have any past clients yet, don’t worry – most freelancers don’t have testimonials when they first start out.

What should I do with my testimonials?

Once you have some testimonials, be sure to add them to your UpWork profile! You can also share them on social media or on your own website or blog.

Testimonials are important for freelancers because they provide social proof that they’re good at what they do. If you’re just starting out on UpWork, don’t worry – most freelancers don’t have any testimonials when they first join. Just be sure to ask your past clients for feedback so that you can add them to your profile later on.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.