Weebly’s banner size is 890 pixels wide by 210 pixels tall. The file size limit is 1MB.
Weebly’s banner size is 890 pixels wide and 210 pixels tall, with a file size limit of 1MB. This gives you plenty of room to upload a high-quality image that represents your brand well. Keep in mind, however, that a smaller file size will load faster, so try to balance quality and file size when choosing your banner image.
Some important things to keep in mind when creating your banner:
- Make sure the text is legible. Weebly recommends using a sans serif font for your banner text, as it is easier to read on a screen. You want people to be able to quickly read and understand your message.
- Choose colors that contrast well. This will help make sure your text is legible and easy to read. You don’t want people to have to strain their eyes to read your banner.
- Keep the design simple. You want people to be able to understand your message at a glance. A complex design will just confuse people and they’ll move on.
Weebly’s banner size provides ample opportunity for you to upload a high-quality image that accurately represents your brand. Be mindful of file size when choosing your image, as a smaller file will load faster. Additionally, keep the design of your banner simple and easy to read by choosing colors that contrast well and using a sans serif font.