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What Is the Figma File Browser?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:33 am

The Figma file browser is a tool that allows you to view and manage your Figma files. It is a web-based application that you can access from any computer with an internet connection. The file browser is divided into three sections:

My Files: This is where you can access all of the Figma files that you have created or have been shared with you. You can also create new folders and upload files from your computer.

Shared with me: This section shows all of the Figma files that have been shared with you by other users. You can view these files, but you cannot make changes to them.

Public: The public section contains Figma files that have been made public by their creators. Anyone can view these files, but only the creator can make changes to them.

The Figma file browser is a handy tool for managing your files and collaborating with others. Give it a try today!

PRO TIP: The Figma File Browser is a tool that allows users to access and manage their files stored on the Figma website. This tool can be used to delete files, add files, or change file permissions.

Users should be aware that if they delete a file using the File Browser, it will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Additionally, changing file permissions could potentially give other users access to files that they should not have access to. Therefore, it is important to use the File Browser carefully and only with trusted users.

The Figma file browser is a great way to view and manage yourFigmafiles. It’s easy to use anddivided into three clear sections: My Files, Shared with me, and Public.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.