Website Building » Shopify » What Is the Handle in Shopify?

What Is the Handle in Shopify?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 1:19 am

The handle is the unique name given to a product in Shopify. It is used to identify the product both in the Shopify admin and on the front-end of the store. The handle is generated automatically when a product is created, but can be edited by the merchant.

The handle consists of lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. It must be unique across all products in the store, and cannot be longer than 255 characters.

PRO TIP: The handle is a unique identifier for a product in Shopify. It is used to generate the URL for the product page. The handle is also used to track inventory levels for a product.

If you change the handle for a product, any existing links to the product page will break and your inventory levels will be reset.

Handles are used to generate the URL for a product’s page on the front-end of the store. For example, if a product’s handle is “my-awesome-product”, then its URL would be

The handle is an important part of a product’s SEO strategy, as it appears in the URL for the product’s page. A well-optimized URL can help improve a product’s ranking in search engines.

In conclusion, the handle is a unique identifier for a product in Shopify that is used to generate the URL for the product’s page on the front-end of the store. The handle is an important part of a product’s SEO strategy, as it appears in the URL for the product’s page.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.