Website Building » Shopify » What Is the Shopify Transaction Fee?

What Is the Shopify Transaction Fee?

Last updated on October 2, 2022 @ 4:48 am

Shopify is a platform for businesses of all sizes to create an online store. It offers users a customizable platform, an easy-to-use checkout process, and a wide range of features.

One of the ways that Shopify makes money is through transaction fees.

Transaction fees are charged every time a customer makes a purchase through a Shopify store. There are two types of transaction fees: credit card fees and PayPal fees.

Credit card fees are charged when a customer pays with a credit card, and PayPal fees are charged when a customer pays with PayPal. Shopify does not charge any other type of transaction fee.

PRO TIP: The Shopify transaction fee is a charge that is assessed on each transaction that occurs on a Shopify platform. This fee is in addition to any other fees that may be associated with the use of Shopify, including but not limited to, monthly subscription fees, payment processing fees, and transaction-based app fees.

The amount of the transaction fee depends on the type of plan that the store owner has. For example, the Basic Shopify plan charges 2% per transaction, while the Advanced Shopify plan charges 1%.

Transaction fees are just one of the many costs associated with running an online store. Other costs include things like hosting fees, domain name fees, and marketing expenses. Shopify’s transaction fees are relatively low compared to other ecommerce platforms.

What Is the Shopify Transaction Fee?
The Shopify Transaction Fee is a fee charged every time a customer makes a purchase through a Shopify store. The amount of the fee depends on the type of plan that the store owner has.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.