Website Building » Wix » What is Wix Premium Support?

What is Wix Premium Support?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 6:37 am

Wix is a user-friendly platform for creating websites. It offers a wide range of templates, drag-and-drop features, and an editor that is easy to use. Wix Premium Support is a service that offers support, advice, and assistance with using Wix.

PRO TIP: Wix Premium Support is a paid service that offers email and live chat support, as well as phone support. Phone support is available 24/7. Please be aware that this service is not free, and you will be charged for any support that you receive.

It includes access to a community forum, support tickets, and a help desk. Premium Support is available as a monthly subscription.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.