Web Design » Canva » What Is YouTube Banner Called on Canva?

What Is YouTube Banner Called on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 7:16 pm

YouTube is a popular video sharing platform with over 2 billion monthly active users. You can use YouTube to watch videos, share videos, and even live stream.

YouTube also offers a paid subscription service, YouTube Red, which gives you ad-free viewing and access to exclusive content.

If you’re a YouTuber, or just want to make your YouTube channel look more professional, you may be wondering what the banner at the top of your channel is called. On Canva, this banner is called the YouTube Channel Cover.

The YouTube Channel Cover is a key part of your channel’s branding. Your cover image should be eye-catching and represent your brand well. You want people to see your cover and be intrigued enough to click on your channel and watch your videos.

PRO TIP: The YouTube banner on Canva is called the YouTube Cover. It is a large image that appears at the top of your channel and is the first thing people see when they visit your channel. If you do not have a YouTube Cover, your channel will look unfinished and may not attract as many viewers.

Here are some tips for creating an effective YouTube Channel Cover:

  • Make It Eye-Catching: Use bright colors and an interesting image that will make people want to click on your channel.
  • Use Your Brand Colors: Use colors that represent your brand well. This will help people recognize your channel when they see it in their YouTube feed.
  • Make It Relevant: Use an image that represents the type of content you create.

    If you’re a vlogger, use an image of yourself. If you create gaming videos, use an image related to gaming.

Create A Unique Cover: Don’t use the default cover template that YouTube provides. Take some time to create a unique cover that represents your brand well.

What Is YouTube Banner Called on Canva?

TheYouTube banner is called the Channel Cover on Canva.

(Channel Cover image via Canva)

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.