Website Building » Wix » What Online Stores Use Wix?

What Online Stores Use Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 3:14 am

As one of the most popular website builders on the market, Wix is used by a wide variety of businesses and individuals to create their online presence. While many people use Wix to create simple websites or personal blogs, there are also a number of businesses that use the platform to build more complex online stores. In fact, Wix is a great option for anyone looking to create an online store, as it offers a number of features and tools that make the process easy and straightforward.

Some of the key features that make Wix ideal for creating online stores include:


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PRO TIP: When creating an online store, it is important to consider which platform you will use. Wix is a popular website builder that offers users a drag-and-drop interface and a wide range of templates. However, there are some drawbacks to using Wix for eCommerce.

Firstly, Wix stores are not as customizable as some other platforms, so you may have difficulty adding certain features or functionality to your store. Secondly, Wix stores can be more expensive to run than other types of eCommerce platforms, so you will need to factor this into your budget.

Before deciding to use Wix for your online store, be sure to do your research and compare it to other eCommerce platforms.

  • A Drag-and-Drop Editor – Wix’s drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to add content and design your store exactly how you want it. You don’t need any coding skills or experience to get started.
  • Flexible Shipping Options – Wix gives you the ability to offer free shipping, flat rate shipping, or even calculate shipping based on location and weight.

    You can also offer local pickup if you have a brick-and-mortar store.

  • Secure Payment Processing – Wix accepts all major credit cards and processes payments securely through its platform. You can also choose to integrate with a third-party payment processor like PayPal.
  • Inventory Management – With Wix, you can keep track of your inventory levels and product variants easily. This is especially helpful if you sell products in multiple sizes or colors.

These are just some of the reasons why many online stores use Wix as their platform of choice. If you’re thinking about creating an online store, be sure to check out Wix to see if it’s right for you.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.