Web Design » UI UX » What should be in a UI UX design portfolio?

What should be in a UI UX design portfolio?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:29 pm

UI UX design portfolios should showcase finished projects that have been designed and implemented using user experience principles. Projects should include wireframes, user flows, user interviews, and prototype designs.

The portfolio should also include documentation of user research methods and findings. A concluding paragraph should outline what makes a good UI UX design portfolio and how to create one.

PRO TIP: When creating a portfolio for UI/UX design, be sure to only include your best work. Do not include any work that is not up to par, as this will reflect poorly on your skills as a designer. Only showcase your absolute best projects, and make sure they are well organized and easy to navigate.

A good UI UX design portfolio should be well-organized and include clear documentation of user research methods and findings. Projects should be well-conceived and implemented, and the portfolio should showcase good design principles.

In addition, portfolios should be well-organized and showcase a good understanding of user needs and behavior.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.