Web Design » UI UX » What should be in a UX UI design portfolio?

What should be in a UX UI design portfolio?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:25 pm

When creating a portfolio for a UX UI designer, it is important to showcase your skills and abilities in a variety of different areas. This way, potential clients can see that you are a well-rounded designer who can take on any project.

A good UX UI design portfolio should include examples of:

-User interface designs
-Web layouts
-Mobile app designs
-Interactive prototypes
-Site design concepts
-Motion graphics

A good way to demonstrate your skills is to include a range of different projects. This will show that you can tackle a variety of challenges, and that you are not just limited to user interface designs.

PRO TIP: A UX UI design portfolio should include a variety of design projects that show off your skills and abilities. It should also include a resume, cover letter, and any other relevant information that would help a potential employer assess your qualifications.

It is also important to showcase your ability to work collaboratively. Include examples of projects where you worked with other team members to create a successful outcome.

This will show that you are able to work well in a team, and that you know how to take on a challenge.

Finally, make sure to showcase your creativity. Include examples of projects that are outside the box, and that challenge the status quo.

This will show that you are able to think outside the box, and that you are not afraid to experiment.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.