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What Size Are Figma Figures?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:00 pm

Figma figures are available in a variety of sizes, from the mini figma, which is about 4 inches tall, to the large figma, which is about 11 inches tall. There are also a few in-between sizes, like the medium figma, which is about 6 inches tall.

The size of a figma figure is not just about how tall it is. The width and depth of the figure are also important factors to consider. For example, the mini figma is very thin and delicate-looking, while the large figma is much more robust and solid-looking.

PRO TIP: Figma figures are often advertised as being a certain size, but the actual size of the figure may vary. Be sure to check the measurements of the figure before purchasing to avoid disappointment.

Of course, the size of a figma figure also affects its price. The mini figma is the most affordable option, while the large figma is the most expensive. In general, the larger the figure, the more expensive it will be.

So, what size should you choose for your own figma collection? It really depends on your personal preferences and budget.

If you want a few cheap figures to display on your desk or shelf, then go for the mini figmas. If you’re looking for high-quality figures that will make a statement, then go for the large figmas.

What Size Are Figma Figures? The size of a Figma figure depends on several factors such as height, width, and depth.

The mini Figma is the most affordable option while the large Figma is the most expensive. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and budget when deciding which size to choose for your collection.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.