Website Building » Squarespace » What Size Is Squarespace Background?

What Size Is Squarespace Background?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:53 am

There are a few things to consider when it comes to choosing the right size for your Squarespace background. The first is the size of your screen. If you’re using a desktop, you’ll want to make sure the background is large enough to fill the entire screen. On a mobile device, you’ll want to make sure the background is small enough to fit on the screen without scrolling.

The second thing to consider is the resolution of your device. If you’re using a high-resolution device, you’ll want to make sure the background is high-resolution as well. Otherwise, it will appear pixelated and low-quality. Finally, you’ll want to consider the file size of your background. If it’s too large, it will take longer to load; if it’s too small, it will appear stretched or fuzzy.

The best way to determine the right size for your Squarespace background is to experiment with a few different sizes and see what looks best on your device. You can also ask for help from the Squarespace Community Forum or hire a Squarespace Expert.

In general, we recommend using images that are at least 1400px wide for the best results on desktop screens. For mobile devices, images should be at least 640px wide. And remember, you can always crop or edit your image after uploading it toSquarespace.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the size of the Squarespace background may vary depending on the devices you are using. For example, the background may appear larger on a desktop computer than it does on a mobile phone.

What Size Is Squarespace Background?

It Depends On A Few Different Factors – But We Have Some Recommendations

When choosing what size your background should be for Squarespace, there are three main factors:

  1. The Size of Your Screen
    • For desktop users, you’ll want an image that’s large enought o fill up the entire screen.

  2. The Resolution of Your Device
    • For high-resolution screens, choose an image with a high resolution as well.

  3. The File Size of Your Image
    • You’ll want to avoid choosing an image that’s too large or too small.

In general, we recommend using images that are at least 1400px wide for the best results on desktop screens. And remember, you can always crop or edit your image after uploading it to Squarespace.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.